Lifestyle Linkup 6 #Stylefocus

Happy October and welcome to the 6th installation of our Lifestyle Linkup #stylefocus!!

fall inspiration
fall inspiration

I'm finding lifestyle inspiration from the beauty of an autumn sunset from our deck, the french inspired courtyard at my mother's house, sunny gerber daisys and my sister, Heidi's, rustic pumpkins.

An InLinkz Link-up

Thank you for joining Jennifer of A Well Styled Life and myself for the linkup this month. Check back and watch the collection grow over the weekend. Add your instagram links as well as blog links and use the #stylefocus.

Looking forward to catching up with your beautiful blogs over the weekend!

Welcome to the Weekend...Sublime Saturday


Welcome to the Weekend!!

It's a sublime Saturday here and I'm dreaming of beachy vacations(The Viceroy Anguilla would certainly do)

And finally.... a little mood music from Vargo while you chill.

Simply sublime here on the deck today. Hope you are enjoying your time with family, friends or some quality time to yourself.

These are a few of my favorite inspirations to keep the relaxation vibe going for the weekend......

What are yours?

