Beautify Your Home This Autumn with the Following Trends

Beautify Your Home This Autumn with the Following Trends

When it comes to home improvements, spring gets all the attention. Whether you’re cleaning your entire house or knocking out your honey-do list, the warm, sunny season seems to be the time to do it.

But autumn is a great time to tackle home beautification, too. As the weather cools off post-summer, you can comfortably update your space. You can also draw plenty of inspiration from fall colors and trends that will shape runways and interior designs this season and beyond.

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Signature Style: Fall Edit

Signature Style:  Fall Edit

Have you given much thought to your signature style? The older I get the more I feel the desire to hone in on my unique style, have laser focus on what I have that works (and what doesn’t), clear the clutter, donate to those in need and simplify my style. Rather than more is more, I’m taking a less is more approach:  less clutter, less mindless purchasing and more refinement of my style. This is my vibe, especially for this stage of reinvention in my new lifestyle.

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