A Happy New Year Postcard for You!
/ello friend,
I’m sitting here at the desk of my home office this afternoon with a view of threatening rain clouds over Chico, a steaming mug of wild sweet orange tea, and the scent of my latest favorite candle, French Cade Lavender by Voluspa. It casts a much needed warm glow around the winter pale room and the fragrance is heavenly. I have chill music on Pandora (though my husband is still blasting holiday tunes out in the kitchen). We are different that way, he can’t get enough, and by this time of the season, I’ve had enough. Today feels like the calm after the “holiday storm” and I feel like life is coming back into balance following a solid month of festivities. Though we will be heading out to celebrate New Year’s Eve with friends at the country club, I have an entire afternoon to appreciate the stillness, the calm and reflect on the year that has passed.
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